
  • On Resilience

    On Resilience

    They say we are a resilient people. How can a people survive so much carnage otherwise? We survived a civil war. We survived military invasions. We survived political deadlock, economic collapse, and an explosion smack in the middle of our capital. We survived a lot. We survived… We forgot that life is much more than…

  • On National Identity

    On National Identity

    The Lebanese identity has yet to mature. As a fairly recent state, the idea of a Lebanese nation has been developing unlike the first two waves of nationalism in which the various Southern American and European nations emerged. The borders that define its geographical extent were carved out before its sense of identity fully developed.…

  • On Times of War

    On Times of War

    What then? When the whole world appears to be completely silent over the latest events and the continued Israeli aggression on Lebanon, how can we understand the latest escalation and what can we expect?